The Studio
Established in 2004, The Pilates Studio of Reno features apparatus that Joseph Pilates designed.
Our training although “classical” integrates most of the equipment within each session.
This is where we have raised the bar. Our Pilates classes are unique and well planned,
with innovative twists to the classical themes that always keep them new and addictive.
Reformers and Towers, Jumpboards and Kettlebelss, Dumbbells and Therapy Bands,
combo classes have become a vital part of our training.
And our latest additon to the Studio, "Ballet Bars" that give an extensive variety
and challenge to class in an entirely new way.
Our certified instructors create Pilates workouts to keep you seeing results and reaching your unique goals.
Classes are classical but dynamic, and tons of choreography to keep it fun and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. Pilates is not just exercise It is a series of controlled movements engaging your body and mind, performed on specifically designed exercise apparatus and supervised by extensively trained teachers.
What should I wear to attend a class?
Anything you can move comfortably with like sweat pants, yoga clothes, also shorts that are not too small or loose work fine. No shoes. You can wear socks or preferably go bare feet. For cycle, kettlebells or killer combo classes make sure you bring your tennis shoes.
How long does class last?
Every class is an hour long except special classes that can last an hour and a half or longer. Those classes will be indicated on the on-line schedule or you can go to "Events" and check out when and if we are offering one soon.
Do you have any beginners classes?
All our classes are multi-level. Tell you instructor if you are new to Pilates and/or if you have any injuries, health or body concerns. We do our best to accommodate all fitness levels and modify or simplify the exercises to fit your needs.
If I have never done a Pilates class, do you recommend doing a group class?
If you are NEW to Pilates or have any injuries or major body or health concerns the best would be to purchase a couple of private classes to have a better understanding of what you will be doing in a group class. You want to get familiar and comfortable with the Reformer and with the Pilates Method and cues. A private class is an hour long and the cost is $60. If you don't want to invest in private sessions you can certantly do a group class and experience Pilates. After 3 classes you will feel better and more coordinated, you will have a better understanding of what you are doing. The first few classes can be overwhelming and frustrating. Don't give up and soon you will be very happy about the results you will experience.
If you have major health issues or you are pregnant make sure you have a medical release. We are not physical therapists or doctors and we can not diagnose or treat your health condition.
How long will it be before I see or feel any results?
LIke everything in life, that will depend on how committed you are and how frequently you attend class. The more you do the faster you will experience the benefits of Pilates. Coming to classes is good but the amount of effort, attention and intention you invest during a session will get you to the next level in no time So remember:
"The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment."
Are all the Pilates classes the same?
No, every class is different. The principles are the same but we make sure that we challenge the mind and the body switching exercises making every session unique and fun. Remember that we also offer a variety of classes to complement your Pilates workout. Those classes are indicated on the on-line schedule. Please check Class Description.
How do I sign up for classes?
Click on "Schedule or Purchase a Class online". Create an account online by setting a Username and Password. Go to the online store and purchase the best package that suits your schedule and budget.
Once you have purchased your package and are logged into your account go to CLASSES and sign up for the day and time you would like to come. You can not schedule two classes in one day online. So if you need to change the time you scheduled your session, you will first have to cancel the one you put yourself down for and then schedule the new time you wish to attend. If you didn't have the opportunity to cancel please call and give us notice. If you show up to class and you were not scheduled for it you may stay and take the class as long as there is space available.
Please make sure that you finish the whole signing up for class process. One missed click and you might not be scheduled for that class. If the class happens to get full you won't be able to get in. You should always get a confirmation email, so also make sure that the system has your correct email address. If you sign up last minute double check you are on the schedule!
How do I cancel a class online?
Log in to your account and go to the right side of the screen and click on the Tab: "My Info", next step click on the Tab below: "My Schedule". Once you get to that page you will be able to see ALL the classes you are scheduled for and you will find that next to each of them there is the option to cancel the class that you won't be able to attend.
What is your Cancellation policy?
The faster you cancel the better. It is very easy to do it online or you can call as soon as you know you won't be able to attend.You can cancel a class 3 hours before it actually starts. Please be kind and cancel on time!. There might be someone on the wait list wanting to attend. There is no cancellation fee, but if you don't cancel you will lose that session. We understand that sometimes you can't have access to a computer but you can call and give us notice and we will be happy to cancel the class for you! :)
What is the best package to purchase?
Consider your schedule availability. Sometimes it is convenient to buy a smaller package if you know that you will be busy or traveling. Sometimes you can't go as often as you would like or intend. Packages have to be used by the expiration date specified at the time of purchase. Remember that special pricing packages will not be extended. Other packages will depend on the circumstances. No cash refunds on any purchases. Classes can be transferred to non-members only and have to be used in the time frame indicated on your on-line account.
Is twice a week good enough?
The more committed and consistent you are with working out the faster you will see and feel the results. Pilates does not put any strain on the joints so you can do it everyday. Twice a week is good and even once a week. Remember it's better to do something than nothing at all.
If I buy a package that says 2 times a week, do I have to come twice a week? What if I'm busy or traveling?
ANY Package you buy has a number of sessions, as long as you use them in the time indicated at the time of purchase you can schedule your classes at your own convenience. You might miss a week but you might want to do 3 or 4 classes the following one. Also if you know you are traveling or you know you will be busy you can plan and play with your schedule. How you use your sessions will depend entirely on you.
Do I have to pay online, or can I pay at The Studio?
Online payments are very secure and it gives you the opportunity to start scheduling classes right away. If you prefer to pay at The Studio you can do it by paying with cash, check, debit or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX.
When can I start signing up for classes?
As soon as you pay for your package.
Once you have an account and have chosen your package you can start signing in for one class at a time or if you know your schedule you can sign up in advance for ALL your classes !!!
You will receive a confirmation email reminding you that you are schedule to attend class. Remember to cancel as soon as you know that you wont be able to come if that is the case.
How does the waiting list works?
Usually there is an amount of spaces for each class. When a class is full, you can sign in and will automatically be put on the waiting list. The chances of getting in are big. There are a few cancellations almost in every class, so make sure you check your email for a confirmation to attend the session you wished for or go to your on-line schedule to look if you happened to get in at the time and day you desired.
You can put yourself down for a class and also put yourself down on the waiting list for a different one just in case a space opens at the day or time that works better for you.
That is why it is so important that you cancel class to open that spot for someone else that might be waiting for availability.(specially at popular times)
When I buy a package can I sign-in for ALL the classes listed on the schedule?
Yes, all the classes have the same cost.
Do I have to wait a day or more before I do class again?
No. Unlike weight training Reformer Pilates does not tear down muscle tissue; it elongates muscle and the spine, and focuses on core control. The more you do it the better you will feel. Coming to class will actually help you in getting rid of any muscle sorness you are experiencing.
Do I have to be a certain age or fitness level to do Pilates?
No! Pilates is for any age or fitness level. Some of the exercises (like extensions) will help increase bone density, improve your posture and gain back some of the height we lose aging. The pattern of breathing will help you relax and you will have better blood flow. When doing Pilates properly, you will sleep and function better over time. Your overall health will dramatically improve. By recuperating your strength, balance and flexibility you will feel younger and will have more stamina and energy.
"We do not stop exercising because we grow old we grow old because we stop exercising."
Is Pilates good for men?
Yes. Pilates is especially helpful to men, because males have a tendency to be weaker in their core and are less flexible. Pilates is the perfect complement to any other type of exercise or physical activity.
Does it ever get easier?
Yes, with time, patience and consistency... Attending to class on a regular basis, being more comfortable performing the exercises, knowing the cues, understanding about proper alignment, improving your breathing and increasing your body awareness will get you stronger and more flexible making it easier overtime. But also, the stronger and more experienced you get, the exercises you will do in class and the modifications will be more challenging, making you push yourself a little bit harder. Remember, one step at a time.
"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!"
"It never gets easier, you just get better."